Speed is better today. Not what I'd call fast, but better than yesterday.
In Groupwise today, I needed to replicate a long list of email recipients from a previously Sent email, to send another one out. In the past I've been able to select-copy-paste. Today that didn't work. . .may be a moot point since Groupwise is going away!
Did it give you any kind of error or did it just not paste? Thanks for your feedback!
Yes, I did get an error message, and didn't write it down. I'll see if I can replicate it.
I opened Skyward in Firefox this afternoon and tried to take attendance. My Explorer was not open, nor have I been on Skyward on any other computer. Skyward twice told me that it was shutting down since I was logged on at another location (??). I finally just opened Skyward in Explorer.
Weird. I tried it with an email with only two recipients, copy, new email, paste, worked fine. Went back to the email with about 17 recipients, copied, new email, tried to paste, and it kept pasting the two names from my first try, and no error message. Maybe I'm copying the lost list wrong somehow (using shift to click on all names).
Had the same problem with Skyward in Firefox first thing this morning.
All else seems fine.
I had the same issue with skyward and firefox the other day and did not even think anything about it. I will use firefox later today and see if I have the same problem as before.
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